So, you want to be a firefighter? It's a great career choice and I'm living proof that if you stick with your dream, it will come true. It's hard to believe that just a little over 10 years ago, I was just like you. On the outside looking in. Now, I'm a career firefighter working for a great city fire department. How did I do it? Well, let me share a few tips on how to become a firefighter.
First off, you've probably already realized that firefighting is a very competitive field. That's ok. Most people don't want it bad enough and departments across the country weed through those folks in a myriad of ways. What they look for are people who've done their homework. People who really want it. So that's the first thing...you've got to really want to do this job. That may mean you've got to volunteer somewhere to show that dedication. I did. It may mean getting experience as a seasonal firefighter or wild land firefighter or both. It may mean going to school to get an Emergency Medical Technician or Paramedic Certification. Look for any and all opportunities that are out there.
Secondly, you're going to need to start testing. Get on the internet and look up the cities you'd consider working for. Do your research and find out when they are testing. Most fire departments across the country start the process with some sort of written exam. Find out when and where and take some tests. Usually, they provide some sort of material about what the test will consist of. Get this material and absorb it. Get a few study guides. They are out there.
Third, don't get discouraged. I tested more times than I'll admit here before getting a good enough score to move on. Each time I tested however, I got a little better. My scores improved. Stick with it and yours will to. I promise. If you're lucky enough to pass the written, be ready for the next step. Sometimes fire departments will go right to an interview, other times they'll conduct a physical fitness test. Learn what it will consist of and be ready. You should be already in shape or otherwise this career is not for you. We don't wait for you to show up a rookie all fat and out of shape and just hand you a hose. We want go getters. Again, you have to really want this.
So, get all the practical experience you can but remember one thing. Most fire departments will mold you into what they want. They don't really care that you were an all-American firefighter at Department X other than it shows commitment to the profession. When it comes time for the interview, again, be prepared. Go in there with confidence and sincerity. You are the best candidate. Believe in yourself and you can make your dream of becoming a firefighter come true. Once you're on the other side, you'll be so glad you put forth the effort. Good luck!
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